Palestinians residing in area “B,” area “C,” H-2 in Hebron, and isolated Jerusalem neighborhoods struggle to survive in an environment lacking security and rule of law and hold the Palestinian Authority responsible for their protection and demand Palestinian police presence in their areas
August 2017
Since early 2016, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research has conducted empirical research on Palestinian needs for security and rule of law in the Palestinian territories outside the area known as “A.” These targeted areas included the following: (1) area B, (2) area C, (3) H2 sector of Hebron, and (4) isolated Jerusalem neighborhoods located to the east of the Israeli separation wall, including Kofr Aqab, Samir Amis, Shufat refugee camp, and parts of Qalandia.
The study utilized various means and activities. Eight focus groups were conducted, each with a small group of residents from these areas ranging between 15 and 20 men and women, young and old. Four public opinion polls have been conducted during 2016. They included all areas under study, with two among a representative sample of the entire West Bank, to allow comparisons between A and non-A areas, while the other two focused on non-A areas. Six case studies covered a range of issues, including forced migration from area C, the status of security in the Jerusalem neighborhoods in area B, drug trafficking in non-A areas, aggression against women in area C, settlers’ violence, particularly in H2 area, and absence of security in isolated Jerusalem neighborhoods beyond the separation wall. The case studies relied on official statistical data, polling results, focus group findings, and field interviews. Finally, the study relied on interviews with Palestinian officials in relevant ministries and agencies, such as the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Police, the Palestinian Military Liaison, and others. Interviews were also conducted with relevant international and Israeli figures involved in the management of Palestinian-Israeli security coordination and rule of law.
This initiative has been conducted in close cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and in consultation with various security sector and rule of law agencies. The study has also been conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah and the Quartet Office and with funding from the Netherlands Representative Office in Ramallah. PSR wishes to express gratitude to all those partners and donors who contributed to its work. It should be clear however that support for this project does not necessarily mean an endorsement of the content of this final report or any of the other papers and products.
Executive summary of final report, Khalil Shikaki
Executive summary of Reallocation of Resources, Jehad Harb
Case Studies:
- Executive summary of Rule of Law in the Jerusalem suburbs, Jehad Harb and Alaa Lahluh
- Executive summary of migration from C areas, Jehad Harb and Alaa Lahluh
- Executive summary of insecurity in the Isolated Jerusalem neighborhoods, Jehad Harb and Alaa Lahluh
- Executive summary of drug trafficking in B and C areas, Jehad Harb and Alaa Lahluh
- Executive summary of violence against women, Jehad Harb and Alaa Lahluh
- Executive summary of settlers attacks, Jehad Harb and Alaa Lahluh
- Poll 1:Palestinians residing in area “B,” area “C,” H-2 in Hebron, and Isolated Jerusalem neighborhoods (excluded by the separation wall) struggle to survive in an environment lacking security and rule of law and hold the Palestinian Authority responsible for their protection: Findings of two special polls on security and rule of law in West Bank territories, particularly those outside area “A” June-August 2016
- Poll 2: Palestinians residing in area “B,” area “C,” H-2 in Hebron, and isolated Jerusalem neighborhoods struggle to survive in an environment lacking security and rule of law and hold the Palestinian Authority responsible for their protection and demand Palestinian police presence in their areas: Findings of four special polls on security and rule of law in West Bank territories, particularly those outside area “A” June-December 2016